Velkommen til Bra By
25. november 2024

Hvordan lager vi en Bra By? En ting er sikkert, det må gjøres av mange og mye må skje samtidig. Vi er en årlig konferanse og arena i Ålesund for alle som er opptatt av by, tettsted og samfunnsutvikling. Spesielt fokus på bysentrum og mellomstore byer. Vi ønsker velkommen til en dag fylt med inspirasjon, ny kunnskap og gode diskusjoner.

Årets tema: En by for fremtiden! 

Bra by









Why Should Attend Conference

Passionate about creating innovative and compelling experiences that inspire people and foster more meaningful connections throughout our communities and globally.

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The process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through experiences and events that occur in one's life.

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Determine what you want to achieve through networking at the event. It could be meeting specific individuals.

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Event businesses are practical ventures that involve planning, organizing, and executing various types of events.

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Visionary Speaker

We have gathered some of the most influential and forward-thinking individuals to share their ideas.

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Worldwide Events

Consider enrolling in a university, college, or vocational school to pursue a degree or in a field of interest.

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Help Find Your Tribe

Many events have dedicated hashtags or social media groups where attendees can connect the event.

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